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UnifyCloud has the tools to help you grow your business

UnifyCloud is a cloud software provider focusing on facilitating and accelerating the cloud migration journey. We do this by automating the most complex and arduous tasks and processes using our suite of software tools known as CloudAtlas.

cloud migration journey

Identify and inventory on-premise resources to plan where cloud migration should start.

cloud migration journey

Migrate quickly and efficiently with flexible, powerful tools ensuring minimal business disruption.

cloud migration strategy

Streamline resources to improve performance, maximize ROI, and maintain compliance.

azure migrate tool

Fine tune resources to strengthen security and gain oversight of analytics and Azure usage.

CloudRecon assesses infrastructure discovery data to inventory workloads, applications and databases to guide development a cloud strategy with detailed ROI and TCO benefits.

  • Accepts discovery data from numerous 3rd party providers
  • Automates on-premise infrastructure assessments, scanning millions of lines of code in minutes, not months
  • Detailed inventory assessments provide insights to inform your cloud migration strategy

CloudPilot analyzes applications and databases at the code level to determine cloud readiness, modernization requirements and level of effort, and conducts migrations for cloud-ready applications.

  • Compare different Azure app and database service options and choose what best fits your needs
  • Reduce the downtime, risk and expense of cloud migration by identifying and mitigating application and database incompatibilities before migration
  • Complete your Azure migration in less time with greater confidence and enjoy the benefits of a cloud deployment sooner

CloudSupervisor Azure provides daily reporting for cost, security, and GRC controls across Azure subscriptions

CloudAtlas solutions drive end-to-end migrations and fit perfectly into the Solution Assessment program. See for yourself.

Listen to what our friends and partners have to say about UnifyCloud…

The CloudRecon data, when I got into the console, blew the customer away… It’s allowed us to move the customer along.

Satisfied UnifyCloud Partner

Amazing! I’ve had to do some of these datacenter migrations and trying to come up with this level of detail is incredibly time consuming.

Satisfied UnifyCloud Client

Microsoft has previously funded CloudAtlas to support engagement delivery that is efficient and quick while providing consistent quality and high value

See how our solutions successfully support Solution Assessment offers across the globe

Need help influencing peers and business decision makers to drive cloud migration? See how we use our tools to help partners like you quickly and efficiently communicate and compare:

  • How to get started on the cloud migration journey
  • The different paths to the Cloud with TCO and ROI
  • How to modernize applications and databases
  • Manage cloud implementations to ensure businesses are spending wisely and making smart decisions

See our tools in action! Get a first-hand demonstration from a Technical Program Manager how our tools automate key processes to accelerate the cloud migration journey

  • Assess inventory once and use that assessment to guide strategy and decision making
  • Static code analysis provides code-level feedback on required changes, recommended code and level of effort to manage expectations
  • Monitor and manage cost, security, compliance and governance and regulatory compliance

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