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Did you know you can reduce the carbon footprint of your infrastructure by up to 98%* by moving to the cloud? With temperatures and sea levels rising, most organizations are seeking ways to mitigate environmental impacts, but emissions from IT infrastructure can be difficult to measure with so many inputs – hardware to power, physical space to manage, and the large supply chain involved. CloudAtlas can provide insights into the environmental impacts of on-premises infrastructure and how an cloudbased environment can reduce their carbon footprint.

How does CloudAtlas Help?

A CloudAtlas Sustainability report provides a comprehensive view of the carbon emissions of your infrastructure with consideration for different compute and storage requirements across several on-premises and cloud hosting scenarios. This analysis allows you to compare options and see how your carbon footprint can be reduced, with impacts shown in metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent and the acres of forest needed to absorb the extra emissions by remaining on-premises.

Zero Emissions
Emissions Reduction Analysis

View and compare emissions outputs between multiple onpremises infrastructure options of varying power efficiency utilization against different cloud compute and storage scenarios.

Cloud Infrastructure Agnostic

Whether considering a PaaS or IaaS solution, gain insights into different hosting options to decide which works best for your business and the environment.

cloud computing
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Track Company Carbon Usage Over Time

Get a baseline of your carbon emissions and track this metric over time with visualizations on your positive impact on the environment to ensure you are moving towards your goal.

sustainability sustainabilitystatus

Ready to learn more? Schedule a discussion today!

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