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Accelerate App and Data Modernization with UnifyCloud

App and Data Portfolio Assessment

Jumpstart your app and data modernization with a funded assessment from Microsoft and UnifyCloud. Avoid the hassle of manual analysis by leveraging UnifyCloud’s CloudAtlas platform to evaluate available paths to the cloud quickly. If you like what you see, additional incentives are available to fund a full cloud adoption workshop worth up to $15,000.
Fill out the form to get connected with a Cloud expert!

What is it?

  • A FREE application and database assessment (with Microsoft funding) working with an AMMP partner to evaluate workloads for cloud readiness
  • Use this assessment to move forward with a cloud adoption workshop with up to $15K in additional Microsoft funding

How does it work?

  • Identify application(s) and databases to evaluate
  • Run UnifyCloud’s CloudAtlas platform
  • Perform data analysis and readiness evaluation
  • Identify cloud ready apps and databases
  • See modernization needs, options and level of effort
  • Develop migration plan and roadmap
  • Phased Implementation

Start your FREE Assessment

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Last Name *
Email  (business email required) *
Phone Number
Company Name *
Job Title *
Company Location (country)*

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