You’re on the way to GDPR Compliance!
Heres what you need to do next


Schedule first 30-minute meeting with on-boarding specialists.

Schedule Your Meeting

Attend your first 30-meeting with one of our on-boarding specialists. We will guide you step by step thru the process to download and run the Microsoft MAP tool to discover your IT environment. At the end of this meeting, you will schedule your second meeting, during which we will upload the data collected.
Attend the second 30-meeting with one of our on-boarding specialists. We will asssit you in uploading the data discovered to our CloudRecon portal. At the end of this meeting, you will schedule your final debrief session with action plan and roadmap based on your actual IT Infrastructure.
Third and final 30-minute meeting to review your customized action plan and roadmap based on your actual IT Infrastructure. Afterwards the data is yours to own. You can work with UnifyCloud, or a partner of your choice, as you journey towards GDPR compliance.