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It's a dangerous world out there. Is your business secure?

Get your cybersecurity snapshot today!*

With the very nature of how we work altered by COVID-19, managing IT has never been a bigger challenge. Hardware, software, and users can be anywhere at any time, and security leaders need to change the way they approach security and risk. The first step in this process is to understand your current security posture and capabilities so that you can take action to secure your on-premises and cloud environments.

What is it?

  • A FREE security scan providing a snapshot of your security capabilities and coverage gaps.
  • Use this assessment to develop a full security improvement program.

How does it work?

A comprehensive UnifyCloud Cybersecurity report helps you:

  • Understand your on-premises and cloud security posture to enable a holistic approach to securing your IT assets
  • Leverage the Center for Internet Security (CIS) framework to quickly and simply assess your security capabilities and identify gaps
  • Gain insight into security vulnerabilities
  • Develop a Security action plan you can communicate to leadership
  • Implement a process that ensures your on-premises and cloud environments stay secure

*Limitations and exclusions apply. Please talk to a UnifyCloud representative for full offer details.

Start your FREE Assessment

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Last Name *
Email  (business email required) *
Phone Number
Company Name *
Job Title *
Company Location (country)*

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Fill out the form to see how UnifyCloud can give you peace of mind.

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