Modernize your IT environment AND your business.
Modernize smartly. Manage risk. Gain agility. Accelerate results. Innovate?
Looking to take go beyond a simple rehosting or “lift and shift” to better take advantage of the amazing benefits of the Cloud? UnifyCloud simplifies the process of understanding your environment, providing key insights on your application and database portfolios and related infrastructure to help you design a cloud modernization approach that fits the needs of your business and gets you there fast.

Create new business value from existing legacy applications by updating them to run in the cloud and include modern features and capabilities that are always up-to-date


Better support applications, reduce cost of ownership by replacing hardware and consolidating server resources which can scale in real time and allows you to leverage more powerful technology


Shift legacy operating systems to the Cloud improving agility while minimizing the risk using old and outdated systems that may no longer be supported

To truly reap the rewards of the Cloud, you should consider a more comprehensive approach that allows you to increase agility, innovation, and competitiveness by truly modernizing your applications, databases and related infrastructure and processes so that they are optimized for the Cloud. While this is significantly more complicated than a lift and shift, UnifyCloud has developed software and services to make this easier than ever. UnifyCloud can help you identify the cloud readiness of your entire IT environment to guide strategy development. Once you have that strategy in place, your applications and databases are scanned identify what is needed to take full advantage of the Cloud. This process can be broken down into three key steps.

Understand and prioritize workloads for modernization- UnifyCloud has the software and services to assess your environment so that you can develop a comprehensive cloud migration strategy that includes understanding how modernization can help you get the most out of your applications and help you grow your business. We provide accurate estimates of the time and effort that will be required to modernize your apps. We even include flexible ways to plan the remediation work by project, by service or even the skills and capabilities of developers
Know what it takes to modernize your apps- We use static code analysis to analyze your apps down to the code block level, generating recommended changes at the line of code with an estimate of time and effort required to optimize your applications for the Cloud.
Deploy and manage your modernized apps- Once remediated, manage your migration smartly with pre-deployment testing, and standard cloud controls to ensure you’re operating your applications in a safe, secure and compliant way.

Can you answer yes to one or more of these questions?

Spending the same or more to run in the Cloud vs. on premise?

Applications not scaling to meet changing demand?

Is the competition growing faster or taking market share?

Customers looking for features you can’t add fast enough?

Dealing with performance, reliability availability, and security challenges?

Then modernization can help you overcome many operational challenges presented by on-premise infrastructure or simple lift and shift migrations.
Our cloud experts are ready to help you understand how you can reduce cost and risk while innovating at cloud speed.