Industry : Technology

Geography : United States

Solution : Optimization

The Customer

International US-based Tech Company


The IT division was having great difficulties with its Azure budget. In fact, the IT division had exceeded its Azure budget so dramatically ($750K for the US in a single month) that the company began actively seeking a solution that would reduce and optimize its Azure spend.


UnifyCloud monitored the IT division’s cloud environment with CloudSupervisor collecting data on cost, security, and governance, risk, and compliance controls across Azure subscriptions. Within a few weeks data indicated that 25% of the resources in the IT division’s top four Azure subscriptions were not being well-managed. It was also discovered that other divisions had been hosting apps and services in the IT Azure environment and some services were not being fully utilized. Download the Full Case Study


By having insight into which individuals were making decision that affected Azure spend, the company was able to make changes that delivered significant results:


In potential annual savings identified


Reduction in overall cloud expenditures


In lowered Azure subscrition costs by snoozing machines when not in use


Vm cost savings through Azure right-sizing